I'm playing around trying to make the printed F1 tires a bit softer if

I’m playing around trying to make the printed F1 tires a bit softer if possible. So these wheels have a higher amount of infill, about 20% and only 1 perimeter. BUT I have intentionally printed the infill with under extrusion. This way the top surfaces can get the support needed to close the top part without adding to many top surfaces and still don’t get the “rigid” infill that a higher amount of infill will result in.

How grippy are tires using Ninja flex anyway? Could you do a friction test with these?

Because i’ll be making a partly printed 1/10 race-grade f1 in the near future, and I need really high grip tires but if i could print them and not pay $20-$25 in racing tires that would be great!

@TeamDogoman_Rc ​ the grip is rather poor compared to store bought tires.

@Daniel_Noree Thats what i figured :frowning:

I used 10% diamond fill.