I'm having some trouble inverting the VSYNC on BeagleBone Black.

I’m having some trouble inverting the VSYNC on BeagleBone Black. Has anyone else seen this? @Rob_Clark1 your name is on the tilcdc_crtc driver, have you experienced this? I’ll look into it tomorrow, just wanted to see if anyone had had the same issue. The HSYNC seems to invert fine from the EDID…

we just fixed sync inversion in the driver, have a look at the recent hdmi patches

@Koen_Kooi Thanks a lot! I think there is still a problem, though: The Vsync seems to be inverted twice, once in the LCDC and the again in the TDA19988. Commenting out line 714-715 in tda998x_drv.c fixed the problem for me. This does not appear to be a problem for the Hsync.