I'm having some problem trying to engrave polylines with LW4.

I’m having some problem trying to engrave polylines with LW4. I’m creating the SVG file from AI. I see that using lasercut selection, I’m able to make the machine carve only polygons, not polylines. I’ve a Eleksmaker 2.5W A3. any suggestion?

Which operation type are you using?

Laser Cut operation, but the problem is the polyline is not shown on the grid.

If it’s not on the grid, then there may be something wrong with the SVG file. Did you follow these instructions? http://cncpro.co/index.php/34-documentation/working-with-files/working-with-svg/7-creating-svgs-in-adobe-illustrator-to-use-with-laserweb4

thank you, now I’m able to load the file in the grid with ALL the objects, but for some reason, it seems the GCode is created only for polygons that have closed perimeter. every object that is not closed, is ignored.

Save your workspace file and post it so I can see why that’s happening.

let me know if you can download it: https://file.io/exv1rP

try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xdd1sxkfkr3dbg9/Laserweb-Workspace.json?dl=0

Clear the Filter Fill option.

Done, it worked! thank you very much. Can you help me find out how to engrave text? I’m able to make text “outline” engrave, but I’d like to make the laser engraver only “write” the text and not outline it. I’m attacking an SVG file from AI. The first part is the text as it is, the second part is the text after I used the “create outline” command on it. In LaserWeb it seems that I’m able to “print” only the second one.

You always need to use “Convert outline”. There’s bug in AI’s SVG export which causes solid black to be invisible; try a very dark grey instead. In LW, use use “Laser Fill Paths” or “Laser Raster Merge”.