I'm having an issue with LW4 saving a workspace...

I’m having an issue with LW4 saving a workspace…

Attached is about half of a job I want to engrave/cut, and the biggest I can save.
If I double the amount (to fill a full 400*600mm sheet of plex) - ie select all and clone them, which works fine - and then try to save the workspace, one of the LW4 threads crashes, and the screen goes all white…

I’ve linked the workspace… Just do select all, clone and move them so they don’t overlap… Press the ‘save workspace’ button and wait a bit…

Now, I am aware it is a 130MB json already, but it’s more that LW should be gracefully handling this (and not crash), than fixing my problem per sé… (I can do half and flip the sheet of plex, so yeah…)

@Jorge_Robles ​ can you look at this?

If you want to I can also make a github bug?..

I’ve replicated the error, but it comes that Chrome cannot handle that amount of data (~2Gb) on JS.

LOL! I told ya it was big! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve found a workaround. Will be available on next build

Brilliant! You guys are coding rockstars!!!

@Jorge_Robles ​ what was it? Just to learn little :slight_smile:

Was a data dump function that cannot handle so big data. Now still try to use it, but fallbacks to native dumper if it overflows.

So was not chrome but a serializing function (no big deal)

@CescoAiel are you widnows or osx?

Either one would work (My Main i5-4670k and the fabkit Pipo are Win10, my MBP is MacOS Sierra), but Windows is used most for LaserWeb activities!

@CescoAiel try this one, hope i have made it correctly http://sendanywhe.re/L2VI9HNE

Can’t test it right now (work!), but I will test it asap…

dont worry, this is in the meantime Jorge can publish. You are of great help to this community so i just wanted to help you out with this