I’m getting ready to build a new printer was wondering what the leading designs might be the best to pursue. One thing I want is a 12x12x12 print volume.
What tools do you have at your disposal ?
Laser cutter ? Another printer ?
Have another printer and some basic shop tools like drills saws hammer. I built the other printer
Its a prusa I2
I’m looking at a CoreXY down the road some time (once I get my RigidBot, I may sacrifice my PrintrBot simple for control board). I like the mechanism, but I can’t find any well-documented builds yet.
Ive been thinking about making one the other extruded tube ones but I havent found any that have a documented build as well
@Carlton_Dodd , check out this link that was posted a couple weeks back.
Thanks @Eric_Moy ! I’ll look through that today.