I'm building a Polargraph/DrawBot with LW4 :) I implemented a translation of cartesian to

@donkjr It should be possible to make an erase feature by having a pen and a cleaner moved by the servo. Just needs some intelligent mecanical design :wink:

What is TSP?

@cprezzi I wonder about the force needed to erase. Perhaps a motorized brush :slight_smile:

@cprezzi ​ post the files, going out to buy the suctions cups today. The firmware for the arduino

@donkjr https://goo.gl/images/HzJtUu

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty wow clearly late to this ecosystem! I like the ones on glass. But I don’t see any that ERASE :)?

They hired someone to erase

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty lol…


@Mike_Mauter …in the maker zone, all that one can imagine has already been invented.

Góndola done



@Todd_Fleming TSP means traveling salesman problem. Grayscale pictures are dithered first and then all dithering points are connected by a line with a traveling salesman algorithm.
see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiw3hkDvp-M

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty I’ll post the stl tomorrow. Have it in the office. :wink:
I’ve added Servo support to Grbl 1.1f in my fork: https://github.com/cprezzi/grbl-servo

Looking at the open source tools made by EMSL (StippleGen2 and their Inkscape eggbot extension that optimizes drawing order) could be helpful for someone trying to implement something like a TSP algorithm.

then we make this http://www.maslowcnc.com/

The STL’s for Motormount and Gondula can be downloaded here: https://github.com/LaserWeb/lw.comm-server/tree/polargraph/doc

Just ask if someone likes to have the inventor files :slight_smile:

I downloaded the girl-servo files, but it’s not working as polar, is working as cartesian. When I press “Y+” on laserweb, only the Y motor moves. Where can I find the gbrl-servo files for polar?

There is no polar conversion in GRBL, there is not enough space for that in the Arduino. I made a special LaserWeb server branch that converted cartesian gcode to polar, but I never finished that version (see https://github.com/LaserWeb/lw.comm-server/tree/polargraph)