If there is anyone here with a Form1 or knows the answers to any

If there is anyone here with a Form1 or knows the answers to any of these questions I would greatly appreciate the information.

What is the vat of the Form1 made out of? How are the parts of the vat bonded together (if they are)?

With the OpenSL the vat is currently made out of acrylic. I’ve been thinking about making one from borosilicate glass since I’m not sure acrylic is optically the best choice. Additionally, the acrylic scratches easier and since it is plastic, chemical compatibility has to be taken into account.

Any thoughts are welcome!

Another question - does the Form1 use a coating or film (PTFE) on the vat?

I have found out from another OpenSL owner that Form1 uses a silicone coating that does not stand up well to MakerJuice resin. Which is why we are using PTFE film. From what he told me I think they do use a borosilicate vat too. I’m going to make one myself soon.