I was having a load of problems getting GUI based tools to scale down

I was having a load of problems getting GUI based tools to scale down a large STL file for printing. If you’re a fan of command line tools to you might want to check out AdMesh.

  • Read and write binary and ASCII STL files
  • Check STL files for flaws (i.e. unconnected facets, bad normals)
  • Repair facets by connecting nearby facets that are within a given tolerance
  • Fill holes in the mesh by adding facets.
  • Repair normal directions (i.e. facets should be CCW)
  • Repair normal values (i.e. should be perpendicular to facet with length=1)
  • Remove degenerate facets (i.e. facets with 2 or more vertices equal)
  • Translate in x, y, and z directions
  • Rotate about the x, y, and z axes
  • Mirror about the xy, yz, and xz planes
  • Scale the part by a factor
  • Merge 2 STL files into one
  • Write an OFF file
  • Write a VRML file
  • Write a DXF file
  • Calculate the volume of a part