I want to build a rep myself,and I have download the firmware,but I don't

I want to build a rep myself,and I have download the firmware,but I don’t know how to build the firmware.It said nothing to be done for build_all.sh ,while I run the script-build_all.sh,who can help me ?

It would help if you told us which firmware you have downloaded and what sort of device you plan to install it onto.

I want to build the replicator 1,I have download the files from here(https://github.com/makerbot/MightyBoardFirmware),I have run the build_all.sh (\MightyBoardFirmware\firmware),but failed.It said scons:nothing to be done for build_all.sh. I want to know how to build the firmware through these files.

Looks like ever since MakerBot went closed source, they took the build instructions off of their wiki. The README (…you know you should really be checking these…) gives the url of http://wiki.makerbot.com/v2-firmware but it 404s.

@ThantiK I have done as it described( http://wiki.makerbot.com/v2-firmware),I found it in other places.

Can I ask what features of the Replicator firmware make you choose it over, say, Marlin/Sprinter?

Because I‘m more familiar with it.