I see another weird behavior in LW4,

I see another weird behavior in LW4, randomly non laser moves will slow way down. For example. I have non laser moves to 80mm/s and the cut is at 5mm/s. The laser cutting mirror will move where it should go at the 80mm/s and start cutting at 5mm/s. If I run the gcode again, all move are suddenly 5mm/s. I have to restart the application to get it back to normal. P.S. Let me know if this is the proper place to post these things. I sort of feel silly posting issues all the time. Thanks

I’ve seen that twice tonight while calibrating my FABkit as well…
Can’t give a procedure to reproduce it specifically…

It’s been random times for me but at least once every session. Once it does it I have to pull the usb and reconnect.

Seems a smoothie issue. I don’t see that in my grbl

Chuck, next time you see this, could you save the g-code? I’m wondering if the speed setting gets changed, for some reason, and then never reset.

I will. I’ll be dabbling tonight.