i printed a really tight print a few days ago,

i printed a really tight print a few days ago, but for some reason i end up with at least 1 mm bigger print, and thats enough for a bad fit for the place its gona work.

Theres anyways to calibrate a printer to avoid this kind of error?

the desing its a circular shape of 179.5 mm, the printed part its 180.5, printed in Alloy 910 using my trusty Craftbot first Gen. Any idea?

May I suggest recalibrating the motors steps?
Home everything, mark the position, move one axel at a time (100mm maybe) and measure how much it really moved.

If you are using cogged belts then there is no need to do a calibration. The steps per mm is just a matter of math using the number of teeth in the gear, the pitch of the belt and micro-stepping setting.
What you can calibrate is the extruder steps/mm.