I need help understanding scale.

Regarding your settings. Before you posted some other ones. My settings for $100 and $101 where 40. Nevertheless when running easel does it excute the expected distance.?

I’ll have to try it in the morning when I get back to work.

Its important to know if with easel you get accurate distances, it should not based on the above. In that case you need to find you actual steps per mm

Im thinking those numbers are wrong as well, after watching this, im going to calibrate using the steps in this video https://discuss.inventables.com/t/steps-mm-calibration/10705

I can tell you I have 40 for both.

Since Grbl 1.1 some of the settings changed. For example: $10 only supports 0-3. For LaserWeb you need to set $10=0 and $32=1.
Then in the LW settings you have to enter G21 and M4S0 in the start gcode and M5 and M2 in the end gcode. AND: Please read the LaserWeb wiki: https://github.com/LaserWeb/LaserWeb3/wiki/Firmware:-GRBL-1.1

@cprezzi @Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Ok things are going much better today, it was the 160 numbers on the size. things are sizing up great now. I flashed the board to 1.1 and I got the laser to turn on however I seem to be getting these pigtails a the end of vertical moves you can see them in the picture. any idea how to stop that from happening?

figured it out, thanks for all the help! Now just need to play with resolution and fills