I need help! my machine has been working great before but now I have

I used a new shielded USB cable and I have all the cables as far away from each other as I can get them and yet it still hangs up at random areas. I’m absolutely puzzled.

Ok, can you completely disconnect the LCD board and only run across the USB so that can be eliminated

Oh I’m not running an LCD just the usb to the computer.

Hmm, might be time to go back to first principles. Can you remove all wiring except the USB cable so that the Smoothie is powered from just the USB cable. You may need to leave the endstop wiring if you need to simulate a homing sequence. Then can you try a dry run if your jobs. This will reduce the variables so we can isolate the cause. If that works OK, then add just the power supply and retry, again if that works and then one stepper motor at a time.

Alright I finally was able to test it and it still happens without anything else plugged into it. I’ve tried it with one motor, no motors, and then no power apart from the usb to power the board. The rate of movement displayed on laserweb was the same as when they were all plugged in.