I need help meerK40t

I received my new MeerK40t machine (with an M3 nano motherboard) and followed the setup procedure. I cannot get the laptop to communicate with the machine. So far I have tried the following:

  • Used a new connecting cable
  • Used a different laptop
  • Replaced the M3 Nano motherboard
  • Confirmed that the machine ID on the mother board and the software is the same.

I am using the CorelLaser 2024 software supplied by the supplier and Corel Draw 11 graphics package.

Any assistance to solve the problem will be welcomed.

As far as I know MeerK40t is software you can use to run a K40 machine. Is that what you mean?

Do you have the software usb dongle installed on the laptop?

I would personally recommend checking out using K40 Whisperer instead of CorelLaser.


Alternatively you can also try using the MeerK40t software.

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