I made a thing. It's tiny, compact, rigid and superfast.

I made a thing. It’s tiny, compact, rigid and superfast.

More pics and vids at

http://renedruckt.blogspot.de/2016/03/mein-neuer-drucker-ist-winzig.html - be aware, it’s german :wink:

These printing speeds are really magnificent. What is the final printing volume? And what about plans to made a bigger model? :wink:

EDIT: Got it from German text: X90 Y75 Z80. :wink:

Don’t be fooled: 833mm/s is max travel. I didn’t really try to find the max printspeeds yet. Last time I tried 300mm/s with no issues.

Wow. Cooles Projekt.

I absolute love your printer. Love the materials, love the packaging of every component in the structure, love the speed… Great job, congrats for the design.

@Rene_Jurack 300 mm/s is far beyond my Printrbot with common bearings blocks. :wink:

Yeah, geting all the stuff inside was the most challenging part!

I am afraid to ask for the price of all components. :wink:

Beautiful work my friend!


It’s sooo cute :3


Wow what an amazing printer!

Great work!

So cooooool!!! Will it be open? RepRap? :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing!

That’s the sharpest cleanest benchy I’ve ever seen!

Amazing piece of engineering. Ey @Alberto_Valero_Gomez ​ hire him please

This is awesome !

Is this Open-Source, and can I make one ?

I want one too, will be shared or will get price tag?

Sehr cool! Tolles Projekt und gerade für kleine Sachen ideal :slight_smile: