I know some people here have engraved on anodized aluminum. I’m wondering if it is possible to engrave on (flat surface) silver or gold jewelry, or are they too reflective?
the wavelength of co2 can only affect coatings on metal, not etch the metal itself. So if its pure silver or gold probably not, if its plated then maybe.
@Domm434 That’s kind of what I was thinking. But I’m wondering if anybody has done it by putting something non-reflective on it (e.g. tape) and engraved it away along with some of the metal beneath it? Probably crazy talk, but I thought it was worth finding out if anyone has done it with a K40.
Hint: Really good infared mirrors are gold plated …
@donkjr Crap. Yeah, that’s why I said this might be crazy talk…
Thats not how metal “engraving” works with a co2 laser, none of the metal is removed, its either burning off a coating (eg anodized aluminium) or its fusing molybdenum atoms to the metal (eg cermark)
Cermark may be the answer here…black but basically permanent.