I just setup LaserWeb 4 on my RPI3 with Protoneer CNC hat. When attempting to connect, I get an initial connection but 3/4 seconds later the connection is dropped with the message @No supported firmware detected, closing port /dev/ttyANA0@
Can anyone shed some light on how I can resolve this. I have GRBL 1.1e flashed and bCNC works fine.
@cprezzi the protoneer board is a hat, so the gipo pins on the pi are used to communicate with it’s Arduino nano. I would say that is using the RX/TX pins. I don’t have the pinouts in front of me.
When I was trying to get mine to work, I believe I had to run mini com. The direction’s were hard to read. I will see if I can find them.
The reason is, that the arduino needs to be reset after connection for grbl sending out it’s identity string. This automatically happens when using a normal arduino with usb connection, but it doesn’t, when using UART serial connection. SO, in this case we need to send out a reset command on the serial connection.