I just setup LaserWeb 4 on my RPI3 with Protoneer CNC hat.

I just setup LaserWeb 4 on my RPI3 with Protoneer CNC hat. When attempting to connect, I get an initial connection but 3/4 seconds later the connection is dropped with the message @No supported firmware detected, closing port /dev/ttyANA0@

Can anyone shed some light on how I can resolve this. I have GRBL 1.1e flashed and bCNC works fine.

Any thoughts?

I had tons of issues getting mine to work. I will grab my notes and see if I can help. Send me a pm through Hangouts.

how did you connect the raspi with the artuino? Via USB or UART RX/TX?

In case of UART you must create a file called “.env” in the installation forlder with “RESET_ON_CONNECT=1” in it.

@cprezzi the protoneer board is a hat, so the gipo pins on the pi are used to communicate with it’s Arduino nano. I would say that is using the RX/TX pins. I don’t have the pinouts in front of me.

When I was trying to get mine to work, I believe I had to run mini com. The direction’s were hard to read. I will see if I can find them.

Yes I recall having to create that reset file as well.

The reason is, that the arduino needs to be reset after connection for grbl sending out it’s identity string. This automatically happens when using a normal arduino with usb connection, but it doesn’t, when using UART serial connection. SO, in this case we need to send out a reset command on the serial connection.

By the way. I sugest to use the latest GRBL version 1.1f

Its all done via the Protoneer Raspberry PI Hat, Have a look at

The Arduino is integrated with the controller.

Yves Isabelle
131-2125 Itabashi Way
Burlington Ontario
L7M 0A1

I will try that, thanks.

Yves Isabelle
131-2125 Itabashi Way
Burlington Ontario
L7M 0A1

Thanks, I will do that.

Yves Isabelle
131-2125 Itabashi Way
Burlington Ontario
L7M 0A1