I hope everyone can support this Campaign and create something special with your family

I hope everyone can support this Campaign and create something special with your family for your teacher during the Holiday

Originally shared by Marvin Stuart

RB Community - Supporting Teachers Campaign

During the holiday season my kids and i have a tradition of working together to create something special to give to their teachers as a thank you. Last year we did name plates for their teachers on our CNC machine. ( https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/yourphotos?pid=6017028161976285986&oid=100675703457232632348 )

This year my KIDS asked me if you could extend the giving spirit to the RB community . I told them ABSOLUTELY

So as a community member i am asking you to take some time out of your day and sit down with your child and create something your child can give to their teacher.

If you don’t have KIDS then you might have nieces and nephews .If no then goto the closest boys and girls home. There should be NO excuses

Rules: GIVE BACK TO YOUR TEACHER in a special way

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