I have started using Corel Laser as suggested on the forum,

I have started using Corel Laser as suggested on the forum, I start the Corel Laser program and load the work, and then click on the engrave tab on the far top right of the screen, as soon as the machine starts the engrave icon tabs disappear and the program reverts to Corel Draw, is this normal as I cant find the engrave tabs unless I reload Corel Laser?

It goes to the Windows tool bar at the bottom. See pink icon.

Right click icon to see your options. It’s a quirk of the software.

Oh Ok ive got it now, I’m running windows 10 pro and its in the hidden icons, Thanks very much for your help

where do I get corel laser? I bought the k40 and it only has laserdraw. I am trying to figure out how to design basic stuff in it, but it is extremely difficult.

Probably not the best program to design things in, I think you can download corel Laser from there website, but you need your dongle for it to work, Laser DRW is very buggy and has a lot of problems, I stopped using it

@Matthew_Wilson see this post for links from Yuusuf. https://plus.google.com/101243867028692732848/posts/Edy6DPmZ6Ft

Awesome! I got it now. Now the hard part in learning a new program.