I have finally rewired all limit switches with shielded cable and NC configuration and connected to the gShield/ArduinoDue running TinyG2 on Chilipeppr. When I test a motion by manually typing g-code (G91) motors randomly go on Hold in the middle of a movement. Resume from hold (~) completes programmed movement, but for long distances few clicks on ~ are needed.
Another issue is homing, which doesn’t work as expected. Homing any axis move the machine axis back and forth few millimeters and consider axis as homed, but this is in no relation to homing switches. Actually setting machine to a middle table location will home it there.
I tried 0.78, 0.87 and 0.89 firmware, none of them working ok.
Disconnecting switches from the gShield board helps getting rid of Hold issue, but I need limit switches at least for homing.
Does anyone use the gShield and ArduinoDue as TinyG2 and have it properly configured? It seems to me extremely unstable platform.