I have Eleksmaker A3 (GRBL 1.1) and at random during work LW4 just says

I have Eleksmaker A3 (GRBL 1.1) and at random during work LW4 just says it disconnected with either “Server error: Open (SetCommState): Unknown error code 31” or “Writing to COM port (GetOverlappedResult): Unknown error code 31”. I have no idea what is causing this but it ruined multiple things I was working on so far. As it happens totally randomly I can’t really recreate the problem to see if it’s fixed by anything I do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This could be caused by bad quality or too long USB cables, or by limited power of the USB port. Try other ports/pc or use a USB hub with power supply.
There also seems to be a problem with dell notebooks.

I do have to use an extension so the cable is pretty long. That must be it then. Unfortunately I have no way of have it closer and using a shorter cable so I guess I’ll have to be creative somehow.
Thanks you for the help!

One option would be to use a RaspberryPi close to the machine as a gateway between network and USB (see https://cncpro.yurl.ch/documentation/installation/36-install-raspberry-pi)

@cprezzi I will probably have to do that, thank you for the suggestion!