I have been playing around with PETG and while my sides and tops look

I have been playing around with PETG and while my sides and tops look ok, anything over the top of support looks like a stucco wall. I get the same thing with both Cura and S3D, though with Cura, the rest looks like crap. Any idea on the settings I should be playing with?

In Cura look at “Enable Support Roof” and “Enable Support Interface.”

Basically the area over supports is a bunch of bridging. The result is that you get a bridged “surface.” Which is what you see there. The support roof attempts to bridge the support area and then place a skin on top of that, thereby creating a surface, much like your top or bottom.

I’ve not used the options so can’t speak to how well they work. As such, feedback from your efforts would be much appreciated.

Another tip is to try to use some fan on the layers where the supports end.

BTW, I was looking at Cura 3.6. Not sure when those features were introduced.

I use the support interface all the time. It works really well as long as you have the right spacing. I usually run about 1.3mm. This allows for enough space for easy removal but not so much that the part gets way out of tolerance.

@Kevin_Danger_Powers I’m glad you mentioned that. That’s why I haven’t used those options is because I don’t understand the impact on the shape and/or tolerance of the printed part. Can you elaborate some on it?

Do you have any experience with “Enable Support Roof?”

support with PET-G is not working well, either your distance is high so you can remove it which means that you mostly don’t need support at all or it will fuse and can only be removed mechanically. Your picture looks like there was nearly no connection between the print and the support. Your print always becomes bigger in z through the support gap as layer will fall down a little.

@Greg_Copeland yeah it just makes the top couple of layers a solid surface which is much better to print on. It makes the parts much more accurate and strong but the down side is that it uses more plastic and you have to clean the part up afterwards. I try to avoid using any supports at all but if I do use them, I always have a roof and even a floor if I’m filling in a gap.
