I have been having some trouble with importing svg's.

I have been having some trouble with importing svg’s. (version 30478 but I had the same issue with a previous version yesterday) I have noticed it with multiple svg files. I attached some photos below to hopefully show what’s going on.

When I import an svg, it opens fine, but it also introduces some artifacts into the design. For most of the svg files that I have imported it inserts these “artifacts” in the top left area of the bed. I actually have to zoom out to see them. It seems to be a consistent "artifact’ as well which made me think that it was the svg file, but I have personally tried 3 different svg files, and we also tried one that was downloaded from the internet with the same exact artifact. It appears to be a few small lines as you can see in the first photo.

I also opened up another svg I found online, of a floppy disc, but this one seems to have a different problem. It actually imports 2 of them. 1 giant one, and 1 small one in the origin. Not really sure what is going on there, but this seems to be 2 separate issues.

I also noticed that the dpi changed randomly when importing some files. (they were taken from the original svg but saved as separate layers) So I would think that it would have the same dpi for both layers, but it didn’t.

If you have any ideas what is going on, then I would appreciate any
help! Thanks to the devs for making such an awesome piece of software!

I should note that to get around the issue temporarily, I found the artifacts/paths in the tree menu and deleted them from there. They were all sort of their own “path” and not under the “path” of the main object. Not sure if that helps.

I have only had this problem with svg files. Here are a few of the files I tried if you would like to try and replicate it. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8ZXvH-aGzn9N2VWcVBSSHVQVE0

Thanks +Peter van der Walt The dpi thing was definitely because of the px and mm setting in inkscape. Inkscape switched back to px while I was exporting each layer. Thanks! I still can’t figure out the artifact problem though. It’s really weird. I can open up the file in Inkscape or Gimp but those “artifacts” are nowhere to be found, but I just opened an svg file (testycircle.svg in my drive that I linked to earlier) with the “artifact” problem in notepad++ and there are clearly those paths in the data. I wish I knew more about svg’s to figure out why it is adding them to the file, and why they aren’t visible in Inkscape so that I can delete them.

I am importing an svg of our logo in a separate layer and modifying it. Then I am creating an outline in a separate layer and saving them individually. Even if the original logo and the outline layer are never on the same layer, it still transfers those invisible artifacts to every other layer.

I think it’s safe to say that this is likely a problem with inkscape, although it did happen with a completely different file on a different computer. IDK

If you get a chance maybe you could take a look at the testycircle.svg file.

Thanks for your help!

You’re not alone. I chalk it up as a problem with Inkscape and not LW. Inkscape leaves artifacts that I can’t find to delete as well. Also if you clip to path, you’ll find that LW will open the areas that have been clipped out because Inkscape appears to just hide the portion outside of the clipping area and not delete it. I haven’t figured out how to solve these yet and just use the tree to remove these errant paths.