I have an OpenSCAD question, but the rocklinux mailing list is garbage.

I have an OpenSCAD question, but the rocklinux mailing list is garbage. Maybe you can help?

I have a vector variable:
deck = [64, 89, 18];

that I use to make a deck of cards:

Can I call out just one number form that vector to use somewhere else?
I want to move the cube by the z dimension, 18. Is there something like deck:3 to grab just the third value?

deck[0], deck[1], deck[2]

brilliant! Thanks @Whosa_whatsis
That should be in the User Manual somewhere

Another trick, if you define global variables like this:

_width = 0;
_length = 1;
_height = 2;

You can access them like this:


May not seem that useful in this case, but it helps a lot if you want to replicate object-oriented programming techniques.

Whoa. That is super useful.

I added a vector section, which was oddly lacking http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=OpenSCAD_User_Manual/General&stable=0#Selection

It’s particularly useful when your arrays/vectors are generated by a function (think class constructor).