I have a BCN3D Sigma and was thinking about getting another printer.

I have a BCN3D Sigma and was thinking about getting another printer. I thought about getting another Sigma but was wondering if there was something out there better. I don’t necessarily need duel heads. I was looking at the 3 printers, E3D Big Box, Ultimaker 2 or another Sigma. Which would you choose or is there something else I should look at?


the Sigma is awesome - but if you want a single headed printer the Ultimaker is a great choice. MatterHackers currently has a pretty rad sale on Ultimaker 2 (not 2 plus) $500 off, still free shipping. http://www.matterhackers.com/store/printer-kits?t=Staff%20Picks

I bought the Sigma about 4 months ago and know its a great printer. Just wasnt sure if anything new has come to the market that is better. oooo I might have to check out that deal thanks

The other ‘exciting’ new printer is the Lulzbot Taz6. Might be worth checking out if you need a larger build volume (11"x10"x11")

I think Ultimaker 2+ would be a good compliment to the Sigma. Or the UM2 clearance and buy the + upgrade to get spare parts, it includes a complete improved carriage, hot end and extruder assembly.

Ultimakers are great machines out of the box.

The BCN3D Sigma has been the top-rated printer for print quality on 3D Hubs “3D Printing Trends” reports for the last 3 months, and it’s getting outstanding reviews. So you might be disappointed if you expect to find something better.

The TAZ 6 is reportedly a very fine machine too. Yes, it has a bigger build volume (not that the Sigma’s is small), but it’s the same price, so if the volume benefit is not a factor for you, then I’d suggest that you stick with a second Sigma. Better for maintenance and being able to stick with the same, dialed-in, settings.

I would get another BCN Sigma personally. If cost was no option

The Ultimaker 2+ is worth it but I wouldn’t get a UM2 not plus. The geared extruder is a very nice improvement and the quality of them is outstanding. Some slight ringing on parts though.

I haven’t been too impressed by the Taz printer. It prints well enough because of low accelerations, but it’s not very rigid in construction

Another printer to consider is the Makergear M2. It’s cheaper than the alternatives. Still has a good sized build volume. It’s built like a tank, and very reliable.

e: realize this is a few weeks old now. Need to be more on top of my feed…