I got my 24V 15A Sopudar SPD-360W SMPS from Amazon today.

I got my 24V 15A Sopudar SPD-360W SMPS from Amazon today. I noticed that it didn’t have a hi-pot sticker like I’m used to seeing, which got me wondering about the quality.

I opened it up - and I’m glad I did! Four things jumped out at me, but there may be others.

  • One lead of the BR is almost touching its heatsink. Fortunately (!), the heat sink is not fastened to the PCB or grounded.

  • The PCB has 5 screw holes; only 2 are used. Four of the heatsinked semiconductors seem to be substituting for the missing screws, but of course this places additional mechanical stress on the devices.

  • There is what appears to be a thermistor (identified as NTC3) pressed against the transformer, but it isn’t glued in place.

  • There is a fuse, but it is soldered in.

The board is marked “12V 30A”, but I think this is to denote a diode that is necessary for operation at 30A but not 15A. I will find out whether it’s the correct voltage when I power it up.

edit: clarification on heatsinks