I got a Problem with my QR When printing something it happens that the

I got a Problem with my QR
When printing something it happens that the nozzle Hits the printed filament. The nozzle stucks for a Moment and loses its position. Happens at different heights.
Strange thing is, printing test cube always works, height of it is correct
Anybody know why this happens?

Did you calibrate your extrusion amount? Maybe overextruding.

Thats what i was thinking First, but less filament makes holes

I had problems with PLA bending up above bridged areas if supports were not sufficient.

Your printer could require some fiddling on retraction settings, since it appears from the description you’re only having the problem when printing non-continuous layers.
Try also playing with Z-lift to ease the pain and get a better understanding of the problem. If molten filament oozes when the printing head moves up, you probably have the retraction settings wrong.