I found this web service which does marvelous job of constructing 3D module from

I found this web service which does marvelous job of constructing 3D module from single face picture
Are there services which can print such module and ship world wide? Nothing in my country as far as I can see

wot a wierd pic you choosed? thx for the head up anyway :wink:

Hi Roni,
when you say 3d modules do you mean 3d print the face as a mask from a .STL file.?

No, I can do STL as it is without color. I mean with colors (obj)

Obvious BS detected. It’s impossible from a single image. So it’s not the reconstruction but just a good guesswork. Take for example the lens distortion problem not addressed there in any way.

It’s not BS as it gives quite good results, try it. But never the less I asked about printing

@Roni_Segoly If “good” means to make your table figure - ok. But if to fit a face mask, 3dvr hmd - BS.

For printing - as far as they can produce a file there are plenty companies. Just Google: 3d printing service.

looks like he doesnt want to awnser you just google 3d printer and ure locality .obj is about the standard in 3d objects so my guess is they all could print it.

@Alex_Koukarine ​ To tackle lens distortion, you can look at the camera info in the photo’s EXIF metadata, extract lens info, and apply correction. The open source package hugin can do that. In the next-worst case, you can build (or buy?) a DB of lens info for other common cameras. In the worst case, yeah, distortion could be an issue. Not perfect, but not impossible.