I found that due to job reasons I no longer have time for 3D

I found that due to job reasons I no longer have time for 3D printing and now resort to shipping my stuff off to have it printed elsewhere, which is at the same times much less smelly, at least for ABS :wink:

Would anyone be interested in a set of BBB + Replicape + Manga Screen 2 5,9", the latter just tested 10mins once)? I can also offer lots of other 3D printing accessories, several RAMPS, motors, sensors, mechanics, etc.

Items are located in Germany, shipping via DHL possible.

Hi Karl, G+ makes it amazingly hard to contact you directly. Interested in your Replicape+BBB setup.

@Brian_Jacoby I’ve sent a hangout chat invitation, also could not figure out how to message you, G+, RIP :slight_smile: