I finally have my router table up and running. It’s an openbuilds C Beam variant. I’m running G2 on an arduino Due and using chilipeppr. The first test run was a simple drawing of the chilipeppr logo default gcode in the workspace. That was invaluable.
Anyway, the thing moves! Woo hoo!
On to the next problem though… Spindle control. I want to be able to enable the spindle from the gcode, but I don’t know how to access it. I can see the setup in the G2 code showing the parameters, but what commands to I stick in the gcode to operate the spindle?
Any help greatly appreciated.
M3,4,5 for clockwise, counterclockwise and stop respectively.
Many thanks, will give it a go…
You might want to review this document, which discusses some tests with the tinyG Spindle interface, which is currently implemented in G2 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50261731/Spindle%20Test%201.doc
Thanks for that. I’ve had a look and it seems to be a little more than I need just now. My spindle’s speed control is manual, and I can’t change that. I just want to switch the spindle on and off.
Also, I don’t get any reports back from the g2 when I put a command to it, such as $p1. There’s an error somewhere and the only response I get is to anything is {“ej”:""}. I’ve been trying to find out how to sort it, but no joy yet. So I can’t really interrogate the parameters in the due. I just have to hard code them and hope. Hence the query about how to switch the ENANLE_ON parameter from Chilipeppr.
I’ll try the M3 command when I next get a chance…
If you enter a $ or $$, do you get parameter dumps?
Nope. It worked on an old (~2yrs old I think) bin file I used at first. But I’ve compiled the latest master and edge branches of the software, and neither cooperate in that regard. It hasn’t been a show stopper yet though.
Sounds like a bad compile maybe. I have not built G2 in a while, so am not sure what. is considered ‘current’. Ah, just checked at https://github.com/synthetos/g2 , G2Core most recent appears to be 100.22.
perhaps some hints here :https://github.com/synthetos/g2/issues
Tried that - dint see anything that looked like the issue. But thanks all the same. For now, it’s choochin’, so I’m happy.
Regarding your comment about a ‘bad compile’… I’ve recompiled it many times now and the issue is consistent. Presumably that means it’s a bug in the code rather than a compile problem…?
The M3/M4/M5 command work! My pinout appears to be correct. Shocking.
Also, @cmcgrath5035 re: the comms issue. It turns out it wasn’t an issue. Pebkac was the issue. Sorted.