I finally got around to making my variation on the PacificPuzzleWorks slideways puzzle.

I finally got around to making my variation on the PacificPuzzleWorks slideways puzzle. I had been meaning to do this ever since I saw the animated gif of the puzzle on reddit a few months back. But since I procrastinated as usual it already got modeled by others and made the rounds on youtube. But even so, I wanted to figure out how it was modeled … since I can always use extra solidworks modeling practice.

So I made a 3D Printable one with honeycomb inserts.


Printed in SnowLabs Sublime Green-1.75-PLA+ on my BoxR printer.

if you move the middle column you can make it look through - https://plus.google.com/+UlrichBaer/posts/PNsfD8X3Qv4