I cannot express how happy I am.

Looks interesting. Given that community takeout has no post content, I wonder whether it is aspirational or if they are screen scraping like F+M G+E? Also, will they provide content to community owners so that it’s not out of the frying pan and into the fire?

@mcdanlj very true. I might just be trading masters. But I am looking for a system ideally with a low barrier to to user entry, public viewability, and ease of content addition. Like I said, I am not sold yet… But so far, I like the interface and projects I saw posted.

Yeah, a gitlab pages site isn’t exactly a low barrier to entry. But it is worth asking them about data portability. I note they are in EU and interpretations of GDPR are rampant and diverse, and as a commercial entity they might have to react in unexpected ways as case law develops.

All the missing image files in comments are fixed by the latest update to the exporter.

There are 60 posts with videos missing in the import, and I have updated http://README.md to describe how to fix them. It will involve a lot of downloading and posting to youtube… :slight_smile:

Looks like not all the images in comments are fixed:

HMM maybe it is G+ not liking new images being added to the database. It used to be in my comment… now it seems broken in that post:

I was just about to post that picture, but you beat me to it.

I’ve been working on http://forum.makerforums.info with @funinthefalls and it might be a great option for this community. In particular, I’m trying to do imports of old community posts from multiple communities into that forum, which could include this community.

I have just enabled Google login for http://forum.makerforums.info so that anyone with a G+ account should find it trivial to log into http://forum.makerforums.info — just choose the “with Google” link on login and it should just work. That seems like an easy way for folks here to move into a new community populated by makers in related areas.

Go ahead and look in and see what you think.

Here’s the next good news. It looks like if you log into http://forum.makerforums.info with your google login (same account you use for G+) at least once before we import the G+ history, we will recognize all your posts and comments and you will own them in Discourse.