I barely know to have read something about it, but can’t really remember it, can you help me out, quick?
What if I “design” a keychain and use a copyrighted logo for it, like the one in the picture (it’s a logo of german soccer club). Can I publish the STL to places like thingiverse or youmagine and stuff without getting any lawsuits of some copyright-holders?!
I think it depends on the laws local to you. Some will treat this as “fan art” while others will see you as profiting off their proprietary image. Intellectual property is still hotly debated and laws vary. If the hosting site resides in the US, I think they need to follow US copyright law.
I’m no lawyer, but not only are you using non-original artwork, you’re also using an actual trademark in this case. There is no original art involved, this is simply a reproduction of their logo, so commercial or not, i believe Schalke would have every right to at least have the design taken down or even press charges against you.
Though some companies are totally cool with this kind of thing, so… just ask them?
@Thomas_Sanladerer I’m not going to ask Schalke But you described the scenario that I had in mind
From what I’ve seen here in the US, as long as you are not profiting from it (i.e. selling it) it shouldn’t be a problem. German copyright laws may differ though.
is this a copyright issue or a trade mark issue. One is a matter of intellectual property, the other is a matter of market branding (and hence taken even more seriously, in North America at least).