I am working in inkscape to create collar stays with my name on them. The problem is that my name is being cut out instead of engraved. The stroke for the collar stay is red and the stroke is black for the font in inkscape. Not sure how to make laserweb3 engrave my name and not cut it out.
I’m just learning so bear with me… Also isnt your engraving power weaker than your cutting power? Im confused about how you can have one speed and power setting for cutting and another speed and power setting for engraving.
@Carle_Bounds for engraving you need to load a bmp, jpg or png. If you are loading an svg it will cut
This is a good workflow to learn how to engrave and cut https://github.com/LaserWeb/LaserWeb3/wiki/Workflow:-Setting-up-a-multi-step-job
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty So how can I add my name to the collar stay? I have to create text in gimp or something and import it?
Seems like a broken workflow to me. You shouldn’t need to export in order to raster something. Instances of lines below a certain line width should cut, above a certain line width should raster.
There was an awesome feature recently where the SVG was loaded as tabs for both cut & engrave, but there were some issues with people not liking it. I loved it. It worked wonderfully. I could just delete the tab I didn’t want & engrave or cut using the one file. Is that feature being retained for LW4 +Peter van der Walt?
Are you wanting just an outline of your name or do you want it filled in? If you just want an outline, you can do the straight SVG and just turn your power way down. I usually start around 17% or so on my 40W machine and it will just burn the line instead of cutting through. If you want it filled you will have to do as mentioned above and export it as a png or bmp and import it that way to do a raster engraving. Then adjust your speed and power accordingly based on the material and your machine.
It does still load raster images that are contained in the SVG, however text is not treated as a raster. It looks like the fill option in LW4 will address this need very nicely including providing the ability to do an outline in addition to the fill which is what many of us are doing by loading both a raster and vector of the text.
So either laser the outline of the text at a much lower power or export it to an image with a high dpi (300 or so) and import it that way.
Thanks everyone! So does laserweb actually have the ability to change the power of the laser on the k40? For instance you may need 30% power for the cutting portion of the job but only want 15% power on the raster portion.
Thanks everyone. I got it working now!