I am still trying to get Font-2-Gcode working properly.

I am still trying to get Font-2-Gcode working properly.
I found that the code is sent to the display but “Send to Gcode Workspace” does not work. I worked around that by cutting and pasting into the gcode window.

It is generating “Undefined” axis (see below) and I do not know where that is coming from? Is this because I am not using CP connected to the TinyG as I am just testing the widget without connection?

(Gcode generated by ChiliPeppr Font2Gcode Widget)
(Text: A)
(Align: left)
(Size: 25)
G21 (mm)
G0 Zundefined
G0 X23.650 Y1.000
G1 Fundefined Zundefined
G1 F200 X19.900 Y1.000
G1 X17.200 Y8.575
G1 X7.275 Y8.575
G1 X4.550 Y1.000
G1 X1.000 Y1.000
G1 X10.400 Y26.325
G1 X14.225 Y26.325
G1 X23.650 Y1.000
G0 Zundefined
G0 X16.250 Y11.525
G1 Fundefined Zundefined
G1 F200 X12.300 Y22.675
G1 X8.325 Y11.525
G1 X16.250 Y11.525
G0 Zundefined

You found a bug. Hit reload and should be fixed.