I added the possibility of defining the spindle speed value,

I added the possibility of defining the spindle speed value, which I missed a lot in the Eagle widget.

@jlauer @raykholo What is the way to integrate this feature into the main Eagle v4 widget in http://chilipeppr.com/tinyg workspace? I have no experience with github :frowning:

(Gcode generated by ChiliPeppr Eagle PCB Widget 27.03.2016, 22:52:18)
G21 (mm mode)
G90 (abs mode)
M3 S12000 (spindle on)
TO M6 (set tool)
(------ DRILLING VIAS β€”)
M5 (spindle off)
T0 M6 (set tool to drill with diameter 0.3)
M3 S12000 (spindle on)
(------ DRILLING PADS β€”)
M5 (spindle off)
T1 M6 (set tool to drill with diameter 0.8)
M3 S12000 (spindle on)
T2 M6 (set tool to drill with diameter 1.0)
M3 S12000 (spindle on)
(------ DIMENSION Milling β€”)
M5 (spindle off)
T3 M6 (set tool to mill dimension 2)
M3 S12000 (spindle on)
(------ FOOTER β€”)
G0 Z1
M5 (spindle stop)
M30 (prog stop)

You should create a pull request on github so I can take in your changes and publish them to the main widget. I presume you created a fork of the eagle widget on github so you could do your own edits. I’d love to add this so would welcome a pull request.

@jlauer ​ Thx John, appreciate your light speed answer :slight_smile:

I just powered off The PC for today, so I will pull changes tomorrow.
I thought creating pull request is the way to go, but didn’t want to mess up things.

Yeah, just hit pull request and follow the next few prompts to submit it. Change β€œMade some changes in Cloud9” to an accurate description of the feature, and you should be all set.

John has to approve it anyways and merge it in so you can’t mess much up with this process.