Hello good people of the LaserWeb community, if you guys didn’t know it @cprezzi has been diligently working on optimizing the comms layer for use in LaserWeb4 sadly he only has a diode laser to test with. He is the mastermind behind an amazing amount of development and has devoted much of his valuable time to the community since last October, listed at the bottom of this is an impressive list of the achievements he has accomplished. Claudio is the last member of the development team that doesn’t have a CO2 laser. to increase his coding efficiency with on the fly updates, we as a community should step one up more time and assist in helping purchase a K40 so we can see more amazing developments to Laserweb4 .His donation link is https://www.paypal.me/cprezzi and I will start off the drive with a 20$ donation
Added Grbl 1.1 Support
Implemented Feedrate and Laser power overrides for Smoothie and Grbl 1.1
Tonne of work on optimising communications to Smoothieware by implementing smoothie_buffer to try mitigating the performance issues we had with Smoothieware
Implemented software based Laser Test button that works with Smoothieware and Grbl
Migrated Grbl to Fast-streaming protocol
Various stability and user interface improvements
Moved Jog Commands to backend to allow easier setup and more inter-firmware compatibility
LW.COMM-SERVER for LaserWeb4
Wrote a new modular communications server that works not only with Laserweb but any other application that need to interface with Grbl/Smoothieware/TinyG
Added TinyG Support
Moved ESP8266 support to Backend and improved it
Added log-to-file functionality for troubleshooting
Added telnet communication support to stream to Smoothieware over ethernet
Implemented GCode Optimisation
Implemented the communications / WebSocket layer to allow LW4’s frontend to talk to LW.COMM-SERVER
What he is still working on
Completing Macro support in LW4
Optimising ESP8266 communication allowing for wifi control of machines
Electron Installer (along with Peter van der Walt)
+Peter van der Walt Which K40 version do the most users have? Should I take the old one with analog meter and pot, or the newer one whith digital meter? With air assist? Movable Bed? Gold plated?
I think it makes sense that I test with the same machine that most of our users have.
Could someone send me some links to good offers, please?
(I’m in switzerland, delivery to Germany is also ok.)