These are my favorite three plugins that I use when designing Sketchup models These are my favorite three plugins that I use when designing Sketchup models that will be printed. Don’t use Sketchup without them.

Roundcorners was new to me. Thanks.

The other essential one I use in addition to those exact three you posted is the clean up plugin. When you import an STL you get a mess of triangles. Clean up merges all coplanar coincident triangles into sane faces. The results are pretty amazing, imported STLs designed in scad look like natively designed models that you can modify with ease.

@Sanjay_Mortimer this one?

@korpx Looks like it, but i’m on holiday on a remote island right now so can’t verify!

@Sanjay_Mortimer , thanks for adding that. I’ve seen that plugin, but never knew what it did. I always hated how STL’s always came into Sketchup with so much extra “stuff”.