Found an easy hack to change Splines to actual usable polylines in LaserWeb!

Found an easy hack to change Splines to actual usable polylines in LaserWeb!

So I wrote up a quick tutorial on it. Let me know how it works for you guys.

Bezier curves are preferred by laserweb

For future reference

+Peter van der Walt​ When I create anything with Vectric software its exported as Dxf anything with an arc in it requires me to convert to a bezier curve or they populate into LW as straight lines

Circles populate as squares…

That’s weird Alex I’ll have to try that from vectric. It’s never given me an issue. I usually import a dxf (with polylines) and export the dxf again when I’m using vectric to edit a drawing.

I usually just use its text tools or the bitmap trace. I’ve never had an issue with its polylines though.