How to improve greyscale engraving around 10-30% and 70-100% with Laserweb3?

How to improve greyscale engraving around 10-30% and 70-100% with Laserweb3?
2 Watt dioden laser.

Not yet, unless I missed a lw-rasterizer option

I have found some materials will preform differently over certain power ranges… I think some of it is due to the ignition point of the material … And at lower powers like a 2w would require a slower feed like +Peter van der Walt​ suggested with the power to acceleration adjustment found in Lw3… Just out of curiosity have you experimented with any other material @Walter_K_opaque ​? I found it very hard to get light tones on pasteboard like what’s found on the backing of spiral notebooks

That grayscales allready looks quite good for a diode laser. Play with the black speed and white speed values to strech the scale a bit more.
Try speed differences in both directions (faster black speed and slower white speed, and vice-versa) as it depends on the material too.

+Peter van der Walt did i miss somthing? has there been a fix to the slow rastering?

My brother and I looked some at Smoothieware’s source. My background is primarily in C++. He has professional real-time embedded experience in C, the kind where people’s lives are at stake. We’re both shocked at the computational waste in that code.

@Todd_Fleming ​ can you fix it :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:
Also here’s a vid of me rastering

@Bonne Wilce is that with Join Pixels on or off?

That’s done with lw3 off as recommended with smoothie?

You should get better performance with LW4 with Join Pixels on since that’s not greyscale.

@Todd_Fleming That maches my findings. The Smoothieware source code is very nice structured but totally inefficient.

I have made a lot of tests over the last weeks and was able to increase the speed of rasterjobs alot.

I have rewritten the complete serial communication for smoothie in our server.js and optimized the old laserraster.js (deleting unneeded decimals in X/Y moves and use g1 for all moves).

For Logos with only a few gray levels speeds >300mm/s are reachable without stuttering. With raster fotos I reached >55mm/s.

The “Concatenate Raster X Moves” helps too, if the Image has some areas with equal gray value.

I am still testing if everything works fine and will publish the changes in LW3 master the text days. Testers are welcome (branch smoothie_buffer)!

@cprezzi ​ how do you install a different branch. Sorry I am very much a noob with github.

@Bonne Wilce​ If you have installed LW with git clone, then you can just enter “git checkout branchname” in the LW folder.

C:\laserweb3>git checkout smoothie_buffer
Branch smoothie_buffer set up to track remote branch smoothie_buffer from origin.
Switched to a new branch ‘smoothie_buffer’

tells me this, did it work? @cprezzi

@Bonne Wilce yes, looking good.

ill post the results in a bit @cprezzi its faster and streaming over laserweb pretty well, this was at 200mm/s, i cranked it up to 500mm/s and we see stuttering and it gets slower

@cprezzi have you experienced
it stopping randomly? happend twice i need to then pause and resume continues without any issue but a little odd. i would guess its timing out or somthing

@Bonne Wilce I had that during development, but not in the actual state. Can you send me your testfile that caused it?
During such a stop, you could see in the server console, if the last command was a G-code or a ok. Can you check that?