How to avoid the black edges?
Laserweb3 - latest version 30477 (git pull)/GRBL 1.1e
And Chrome is very laggy. Hangs during engraving.
How to avoid the black edges?
Laserweb3 - latest version 30477 (git pull)/GRBL 1.1e
And Chrome is very laggy. Hangs during engraving.
Have you updated chrome? I haven’t experienced lagging on the browser
V 55.0.2883.95 (64-Bit) OsX Mavericks
I on Sierra.
I was still having chrome lock-ups as well as of the list time I was using the laser. It’s been a few weeks though.
@Carl_Fisher Os?
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Linux. Ubuntu 16.04 with the default unity desktop. I’m going to try with lxde and see if it’s a computer performance thing. It didn’t have this issue pre-merge of the http://server.js. back when it was http://server-smoothie.js
I just haven’t had time through the holidays to do a proper troubleshooting
I think it is a problem of feed rate. If my feed rate is over 50mm my arduino loose some steps (see my next post) and then chrome hangs too!
Unix based os on a small Intel Nuc (red one). IntelHD 4000