Hiya! I'm getting the Ares up and running and having some issues with CURA.


I’m getting the Ares up and running and having some issues with CURA. Do you all use the stock profile that comes included? I saw the build area is “Rectangular” and the max z-height is 200mm

What are you using?

I was thinking elliptical may be a better approximation of build area.

I found @Nicolas_Liaudat 's profiles. Just import into cura?


I got the beast up and running. really not liking the unreliability of the old octoprint so I’m going to have to dig into updating that at a later date.

My biggest problem is failure after random Z height. I think the filament may be binding or something because it is just not moving through the extruder.

1st print was 90% done and then it stopped laying down filament.
2nd print got the brim down and that was about it.
3rd print went about 15% through before it stopped laying filament.