Hi! I've just followed your instructions to convert my 3040T CNC milling machine into


I’ve just followed your instructions to convert my 3040T CNC milling machine into a laser cutter with great success! Thank you. I can control the power of my laser too using the PWM functionality - all is good.

So I programmed a jigsaw puzzle profile which obviously involves a long g-code program which worked perfectly up to about 75% and then it started to stall like it was buffering. It does not loose positional accuracy so I know its not a hardware or wiring fault.

Obviously stalling a laser results in a large hole instead of clean cut, but I do not understand why this is happening. I believe it is something to do with streaming the instructions from Chilipeppr, but dont know how to fix this.

Any help gratefully received.

Great job on the instructions for the laser conversion! Really happy with this :slight_smile:

Thank you,


Increase the number of lines sent at a time in the Gcode widget.

Many thanks John - It worked perfectly! I needed to add 10,000 lines to stop the stalling.

Do you have a link to the tutorial by chance? Interested in doing this to my 3040.

Watch my video on youtube about converting my 3040 to ChiliPeppr/TinyG.