Hi, I’m not sure if I have a hardware or software issue. I’ve flashed GRBL LPC for C3D. I’m using the generic GRBL machine settings in Laserweb 4. The controller is communicating with the machine and I can jog on a small area of the bed on the y axis and most of the x axis. Beyond that I either grind out on the end of the axis or get the error “jog target exceeds machine travel”. Is there a way to calibrate the home point so that I can use the full bed? I know there are a lot of homing settings in GRBL code but none of them seem to relate to what I need to do. Thanks.
I had the machine in pieces over the last couple of days, so I’m not sure if I’ve damaged something or if I need to change something in the software.
OK. Very strange. After several disconnects, the problem seems to have rectified itself. Anyone else experienced this?
See if you have show machine enabled in settings
I did Ariel. Could you explain why that makes a difference please?I thought it was just showing the working area of the machine
Try it without that enabled. Will find the explanation if that solves it lol
Yes I think that is what solved the problem earlier. I did have it enabled and then disabled it. It didn’t make a diference until I disconnected a few times but then stayed in the right place.
Do you have endstops in your machine? Are they enabled and are you using them to home?
I have stock K40 stops in top left on x and y axes. I assume they are enabled and homing the laser seems to work fine.
If soft limits is activated in grbl ($20=1), then grbl prohibits to move outside of the configured machine space ($130-132). If grbl thinks it is already at the bottom left corner for example, but the head was manually moved to the center while the machine was switched off, then grbl will not move any further to left and front.
Homing should reset the machine origin, but I belief it doesn’t always work (at least on grbl-LPC).
THanks Claudio. That makes sense, the homing didn’t work as I’d moved the head manually to home and I guess that’s what restricted the movement. THanks for the explanation