Hi I’m new to chilipeppr and I started using it today.
I was trying to do the autolevel function in chilipeppr and I noted some problems.
When I click “Run test probe” , Z axis lower less than a mm and stops.
But the tutorial says,during “test probe” G38.2 Z-10 F5 command will send and it will move 10mm.
I tried manually sending the command but no use.Now I am unable to do Autolevel.
And someone can please give me clarification on where should I connect wires from Bit and PCB .
I read from a project in X-carve that, one wire goes to the pin A0 of arduino and other to ground.
see this page for pinouts for GRBL (I’m assuming you are using GRBL. If not, see the TinyG documentation. The pinout for the z-limit pin recently changed so you may be hooking it up to the wrong pin.
Connect one wire to Zmin one wire to Grnd.
set all limits to NC
set Zmin switch to homing
Try again, I just went through this the other day. search through these post and you’ll see the whole thing unfold. Carl and John were both a big help and in the end Alden was a hero…
please see section 10.
What i’ve done is I took a wire and attached it to the milling bit using crocodile clip and connected it to the pin A0 of arduino and another wire soldered to the PCB surface and connected to the ground.
Do you guys have any comments on the movement of Z axis .My machine is working fine in easel and i’m using chilipeppr for the first time to do some PCB etching.
well, again… it depends on whether you are using tinyG or GRBL in that article (the mention pins for both)… and if it is GRBL, it depends on your GRBL version. You need to double check that you have it hooked up to the right pin.
I’m using GRbl V0.9. so where should i connect.
I’m not much familiar with these boards.
What’s the purpose of probe pin(A5)
i believe that is exactly what you need. My apologies… i think since I read about z-min, I was thinking about the Z limit pin on GRBL… but the instructions you sent specifically say that for GRBL you should use pin A5. Have you tried that one yet?
Yes i tried that but it’s not working.
when I run “run test probe” it is not even moving 1 mm down , and the tutorial clearly says that it will move 10 mm.
Anyone can give me any tutorial on how to do “auto levelling” using chilipeppr and grbl, i’ve found one in youtube but it is about tiny g
@Brandon_Satterfield I’m using GRBL
and how can i make all limits Nc in chilipeppr
I replaced my probe wire and machine is now doing autolevel with out any problem.
But when I do the job ,bit is not touching the PCB.
This sounds like a grbl issue so I won’t be able to help much. I’m a TinyG guy.
What about the milling, bit touches the PCB during auto leveling but when I tried to do the job using the auto leveled gcode there isn’t enough contact.It just moves around the surface.
That sounds like your Grbl device is giving back coordinates that are incorrect and thus the auto-leveller adjusts everything to an incorrect z height and thus your job runs in mid-air. Perhaps a video recording posted so we can all watch what it is doing will help. I have not heard of this error before. Are you sure you’re running the latest Grbl?
now it’s milling(i replaced the bit) but milling depth is not even and couldn’t mill certain areas. I’ve uploaded the photo in above post