Hi, I would like to use the fastled library with the RFDuino  (20$ kickstarted fingertip

Hi, I would like to use the fastled library with the RFDuino (20$ kickstarted fingertip sized arduino with Bluetooth 4.0 integrated, http://www.rfduino.com) and WS2812B ledstips.Is the Fastled library compatible with this board ?(when trying to compile one of the sample apps for the RFDuino board I receive multiple errors, when compiling the same board for ie the uno I have 0 errors) I really hope It will work because it could open the way to a lot of interesting (and cheaper compared to other boads + BT shield) projects ie iphone, android controlled displays, (lava)lamps, props lighting, different strips controlled together wireless (via BT), …

We don’t have “official” support for the rfduino, but I’ve got one and we’ll take a look at it over the next few weeks.

We’re very focused on packaging up v2.0 of the library, getting it out the door into people’s hands, and THEN we’ll be looking at more board support. I suspect the rfduino will make the cut.

RFDuino support would be great news, looking foward to it.
Congrats with the fastled 2.0 lib
I’m a newbie in the ledstrip/ledmatrix world but it only took a few mins to drive a neopixel 8x8 matrix. And 30 min later I was already showing of flame effects with the giladaya lib I updated for the fastled lib…