Hi! I am very glad to found this community. I want to build a 3D printer but I am totally frustrated with the version I found first. Now I want to change to a Motedis QR. What’s the difference to panther? And can somebody help with the printed parts? Is it possible to buy them online or in germany (Düsseldorf/Köln)?
Or would you prefer a delta printer?
sorry for delay currenly we are relaxed mode , different of panther and motediusqr are profile used, no any other difference Panther is OB profile + OB wheels (OB= OpenBuilds) motediusqr have motedis profile + my wheels.
currenly have in europe exist #gslot profile to similar OB but use profile of my wheels. motion and other point are similar all depends how many $$ want spend.
Sincerly i have little pain on my z and surely know this may issue create from y bad hands and want change it with similar solution make @michael mometeau or @Marc_Schonfleisch
Hey Mauro, thanks for your answer. I understand the difference is only profile and wheels. To get a cheaper construction I can buy 4 vslot rails and the rest motendis. And I can use vslot wheels.
Other questions are with carrier and extruder should I prefer? Actually I have a gregs wade extruder at home. Do I need an other?
This good but need modify it for bowden. On button need add Pneumatic fitting (surely you can making a thread in plastic) .
For lock Greg’s on profile can use a support on back of stepper (need change 2 screw on stepper) and it on frame.
Check this photo how mount my saintflint on frame.
Thank you Mauro. Modify the Greg’s to a bowden is a good idea.
I hope I can order the profiles soon.
in any case i modify with m6 press fit this http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-set-MK8-extruder-aluminum-block-DIY-kit-Makerbot-dedicated-single-nozzle-extrusion-head-aluminum/32371229092.html
use on other printers with success…