Hi, I am trying to cut out and object and would like it to


I am trying to cut out and object and would like it to cut all the inside holes first. Is this available or is there a work around?



In the software you draw select all holes and create a layer for them, then just select that layer in LW and create an operation. That’s the way I do it

Hi Ariel,

The holes are cut outs inside an object. I have used red lines to point to the problem areas.

I cannot see why my suggestion would not work under that scenario, cut outs are still shapes. Mind that you may need to remove any clipping mask on the object to see how it is composed. Is all the white area to be cut out?

Yes white parts are to be cut out. I cannot select the white parts.

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Can I PM you my file??.

Im new to inkscape so it might be something I am doing wrong. I normally use Corel.

@Ben_Myers ​ I would love to help you with that, but I have been for more than a week without a home computer. Let me ping @Alex_Krause ​ to see if he can give as a hand on that.

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty oh that sucks… I appreciate the help in anyway…

@Ben_Myers ​ can you try to export from inkscape as a Dxf?

Or save two copies of the image… One positive and the other negative

@Alex_Krause Can I pm you file… still cannot get it to work.

Drop it into Google docs or Dropbox and post the link

@Alex_Krause https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5-1Cip98W7rNk1mR2JBTUdMUWc/view?usp=sharing

@Ben_Myers ​ I will do my best to get to the bottom of this to come up with a work around… I’m no expert with inkscape and svg files aren’t really something I use much but I will see if I can come up with a good way to export as a Dxf file so you can select the inside vectors for their own tool paths

Thanks @Alex_Krause I really appreciate it. When ever you have a chance…

It’s more work, but you should be able to open up the object in LW4 as wel, select the individual lines, and order them in to separate Operations that way?..

@CescoAiel That what I thought. But it selects the entire object

Even when you open it up with the little plusses in THE CAM (now called FILES) tree?..

@CescoAiel I go to the lowest level. Still selects object… I attached my file above if you want to look

Try to assign a different color to the lines that needs to be cut. Then you can create two operations in LW4 and use the color filter to select the lines.

It seems the issue is that the paths have been combined as a composite path. They actually aren’t separate paths. So what you will need to do in Inkscape is use a Break Apart command (Ctrl + Shift + K in Windows by the looks of it). What this will do is break that main centre shape (with Bonnie written onto it) into 12 shapes (the main outline & 11 interior cutouts). I’ve just done it & coloured all the internals green (for reference). After doing that, I selected all the green parts & grouped them together (for ease of selecting them all in LW when imported) & left the external area (black in colour) as it’s own object without being grouped. Then there is a feather under it all that needed it’s layer moved to the top (using either Object > Lower to Bottom or Object > Raise to Top, depending what you have selected). Same with the dot from the letter i. See attached screenshot.

Also, link of edited file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzi2h1k_udXwTVFoeDYyRnA5aVE/view?usp=sharing