Hi! I am new to the 3D printing community.

Hi! I am new to the 3D printing community. I have a engineering background and am very interested in the technology. I am looking for a place to start something low end maybe used… What can you suggest to get started. Prices, accessories, software, etc…

Perhaps read through the links provided in the “About This Community” for starters and then come back with a more targeted question. What you perceive your needs to be and your budget are among the first considerations to help narrow the subject of your question. Your low budget may be much higher than mine or maybe the other way around. :wink:

For new printers, you can check through the link “What 3D printer should I buy?” in the ‘About this community’ section.

For used, they occasionally come up, but shipping might be so much that a new printer isn’t much more.

Most pre-built or kit printers will come with suggestions on what software to use, so that’s a good place to start. Explore others you find interesting. Fortunately, most 3D printing software (and hardware) is open source.

EDIT: Dang it, @Rojer_Wisner ! You type too fast for me!

Actually, let me apologize if I sounded offensive in anyway. The truth is, I have backed three different styles of printers on Kickstarter and I am hoping that my rewards for doing so will eventually arrive. I don’t yet posses one. I have used the MakerBot Replicator2 at the local library. They have a dedicated engineer who hangs around to maintain and repair their 3 units. Since he is part time and it is a library - access is limited. It prints in PLA quite nicely. But if I were to spend that kind of money on a single machine, I think I would get an Ultimaker. I wish that I could promote the printers that I have backed, but until I have some experience under my belt with any of them - I would be doing you a disservice. Those links to left might have saved me some troubles answering the same questions you have if they had been available when I started this journey. Good luck and welcome to the community.

Thanks Roger. New to the sight, new to the community. My mind is way ahead of my eyes. Will do some suggested reading and might comeback with some pointed questions… Novice all the way around. Thanks for stating the obvious

I suggest finding a local hackerspace/makerspace and go see their printers in action. Most people have hyped expectations of what this tool can actually produce.

What ever you decide, I recommend getting a device that is shipping and has reviews. Don’t do kickstarter, don’t do preorders. If it is your first printer buy one with a community of debuggers that can help you with your problems.

I’ve gotta agree with @Shachar_Weis . My hackerspace had a broken/borked/untuned printer I was able to play with before I built mine. I actually used this broken printer to print out the very first pieces to my machine, and then used that machine to reprint pieces to fix itself. Eventually I learned enough that now both printers (I’m now a member of the hackerspace for 3 years) are very well tuned and I’m the go-to-guy at the space now.

I’m the very invested type though; I love to understand the ins and outs of how things work, why they were done a certain way, etc. Hackerspace is definitely the way to go.

Thanks for the great info people.

I have found nothing in Southern New Jersey
where I can witness a 3D printer in action. Philly is a posibility but don’t get over much.
Any ideas people?

http://hive76.org/ is your best bet.