Hi, I am having the following problem and am desperatly looking for help:

Hi, I am having the following problem and am desperatly looking for help:

I run an Nodemcu ESP8266 12E board, programmed in Arduino.
I would like to connect three input buttons to D6, D7 an D8.
Each button is linked to a separate pullup-resistor of 10K Ohm.

The button on D6 is working fine, if connected alone. But if I connect the others on the circuit board, they do not work. Also I can see that the button on D6 is triggering the input on D7.

First questions:
Are 10K Ohn the right choice when running more than one pull-up resistor?
Are D6 (GPIO 1512), 7 (GPIO 1513) and 8 (GPIO 15) GPIO I can use for inputs?

Will try to add a picture of my circuit and example code as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for helping!

You might have internal pullups activated on those (not working) channels. Some gpio have internal pullups, while others have not. So if you have a pullup internally and a pullup or pulldown externally, i would give problems.

GPIO 15 is a “special” multifunction pin. It’s best to avoid it . I believe it controls the storage location for the bootloader, and must be held high for normal operation.

Can you move your button from 15 over to 14 instead?

Don’t forget about GPIO 1 and 3, RX1 and TX1, if you get rid of serial (use MQTT or Websockets instead), they work great for GPIO.